Sunday 9 August 2015

Days 14, 15, 16

Well washed out in the night and had to be picked up and taken home! Good job too as had a strange leak in kitchen too...
Sorted that and also re packed bag leaving things out that I didn't need. Friend Sue came over and waa going to drive me back out early next day, but more problems! Fuses kept tripping in the house and eventually traced it to freezer in workshop. So reasons for everything - I would've come back to an awful mess otherwise!
It also gave me opportunity to reflect and I realised I wasn't ready to walk the sections from Bude to Tintagel yet as I walked them constantly in the early days when all I could do was walk and howl and scream in the empty wind.
One could say that I have already walked this part then but I will come back and rewalk when able.

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