Tuesday 25 August 2015

Day 25 - Morvah to Sennen Cove

Boots were still a bit wet from all that rain so plastic bags were in order for a bit....

Broke my fork this morning...Worth noting.

The day began with a walk to Pendeen in dire need of sustenance from local shop! Then on to Geevor mine and all the rest of the Poldark set....lol

What a section of history and industry and I was getting excited about being so close to Land's End which was a big landmark for me.

There were more mine engine houses - the famous Crown engine houses at Botallack perched right on the edge ..

Cape Cornwall was equally impressive - 

And local ruins. ..

But it was all as nothing compared to what was 'placed' on the side of the path clean and shiny and completely out of place for anyone but me...............

Hmmm broke my only fork and got given a new one...
Too many signs to ignore methinks...


I'd love to see a dolphin... that's one of the things I've been watching out for. 
.. you listening baby boy?

I can feel his smile.

Looking to Land's End.

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