Tuesday 25 August 2015

Day 25 - Morvah to Sennen Cove

Boots were still a bit wet from all that rain so plastic bags were in order for a bit....

Broke my fork this morning...Worth noting.

The day began with a walk to Pendeen in dire need of sustenance from local shop! Then on to Geevor mine and all the rest of the Poldark set....lol

What a section of history and industry and I was getting excited about being so close to Land's End which was a big landmark for me.

There were more mine engine houses - the famous Crown engine houses at Botallack perched right on the edge ..

Cape Cornwall was equally impressive - 

And local ruins. ..

But it was all as nothing compared to what was 'placed' on the side of the path clean and shiny and completely out of place for anyone but me...............

Hmmm broke my only fork and got given a new one...
Too many signs to ignore methinks...


I'd love to see a dolphin... that's one of the things I've been watching out for. 
.. you listening baby boy?

I can feel his smile.

Looking to Land's End.

Monday 24 August 2015

Day 24 - Morvah

What a difference a day makes and glad my tent is performing well!!

Rain, wind, rain, fog, rain. .. stayed put for another day although short on rations and no shop...:(

I eventually togged up in waterproofs and ventured to the village where I found one place open - Morvah Schoolhouse. It is a mix of cafe and crafts with a beautiful exhibition upstairs.

Got chatting and ended up with free coffee,  cutprice lasagne and a free ticket to the gig that night! Many thanks to Tish and the friendly Morvahnians!

So cue more honey cider and met some lovely people... sod the weather!

This tent didn't fare so well though lol

Sunday 23 August 2015

Day 23 - St Ives to Morvah

So began the journey around the western most end of the country. It took me up onto high cliffs in the wind with many rocks. Sometimes walking, sometimes scrambling...

It was a wild and windy day. The surf was boiling over the rocks, seagulls crying....just a wonderful display of nature and beauty round every bend.
Man made, in evidence too with this unnamed stone circle on Trevalgan cliff.

I was in awe of this section. I felt a 
connection to all of it. I talked to Jamal most of the way and especially when the going was tough. ..there are some really hairy scarey bits and carrying a pack makes you a little unstable too!

There were hardly any people aroind that day - only around the populated parts like Zennor which is so famous for it's carved mermaid in the church. ..no not got a photo as it meant a detour of a mile....
But I do have photo of another sea creature I was privileged to see playing...

Not easy to see but the little blob in the middle is a seal. Too far to get a good photo but watched for a while :)
What a treat this day was!

And so in this manner the day continued. .the beauty and desolation a medicine for my soul.

The wind got stronger and colder as the day progressed and after a particularly difficult scramble , I decided to change my original plan and continue the last couple of miles to Pendeen by road. I checked my map and was close to a point where I could transfer from the cliff and made my way past Bosigran castle ruins and some cheeky horses to relative safety of tarmac.

It got colder and windier and I was hoping for the miles to pass quickly when I rounded the bend to Morvah and saw....

What a vision! Couldn't quite believe it at first but someone knew I needed a break...and who can resist the mod cons??

Or the promise of an unexpected party.

More of a ceilidh, the evening went well with music, local honey cider.... (oooh be careful!)...

........and clog dancing!?!

I could hear Jamal chuckling in my ear and I was smiling...

Tuesday 18 August 2015

Day 22 - Gwythian to St Ives - A walk with Stephan x

Stephan is Jamal's best friend/brother from another mother...however he does call me mum ha ha. Arriving early to meet me he wandered around the site asking if anyone knew where his mum was ? A few bemused faces when he found me...
I was glad for his company as Gwythian was our local beach when the kids were younger and so many memories.  Steph also had his own mad teenage memories of he and Jamal and buddies ... 
we remember, 
we talk 
and we say his name - Jamal xx

We only had the morning but made the most of it with Stephan carrying my pack for a few hours. :)

By the way those dreads are my work from years ago...they were created over 12 hours with Stephan screaming like a girl and squeezing Jamal's hand as though giving birth!! They were only about 4 inches long then...

We walked along the beach and into Hayle where you have to circumnavigate the estuary...we ended up on a sandbar in the wildlife reserve...backtrack and down the road to the pub!

St Ives in the distance...

Said goodbye to Steph and carried on alone to St Ives. The path led along the shore and wound through the big houses of Carbis bay.

I camped outside St Ives and could look down on it and visible was the Tate...yet another reminder.... Things we shared or had planned to share...


Monday 17 August 2015

Day 21- St Agnes - Gwythian

Setting off bright and early and encountering another engine house first off. There are many of these in Cornwall.

But a glimpse of another 'doorway' is a feast for my eyes...

The path led on to Porthtowan and Portreath with coves in between.

Surfers and kayakers appeared.

Further on was a deep valley and crippling steps...

These things are sent to challenge muscle and mind. Determination is the key. 

But then came Portreath... ....no offence to Portreath dwellers but there is something about this place that troubles me and always has. I don't know what. I was dreading coming here and rightly so.

Had a complete meltdown. Couldn't leave for some reason and found myself walking up and down talking to myself and crying......must have looked like a crazy woman but who cares???  It is close to Camborne where we first lived in Cornwall and memories flooded. I phoned Stephan - Jamal's best friend and he couldn't come rescue me so eventually had to bus it out a couple of stops just to break the connection..

I got out at Hell's Mouth and walked to Gwythian from there..
No peace today.

Day 20 - Holywell Bay to St Agnes

Stopped at a camp almost on the beach...no signal or wifi whatsoever....but plenty of rabbits lol :)

Not such a blistering day but once more the rigours of sand were the order of the first part of the path, starting with the dunes of Holywell. Warnings of adders at the first gate.... I knew we got adders here but had never seen one. Warning observed though :s

Stick to the main paths?? Actually be very careful as they seem to like sunbathing right on the path!!
Saw two but both too quick for me to photo and be warned their colours are the same as the dead dry ferns and hard to see..

Rounded the cliffs towards Perranporth on a tiny path on the side of the cliff and it was windy too. Have almost conquered my fear of heights doing this - no choice really :/

You enter Perranporth beach at the less popular end and there is a beautiful old cliff quarry before the long stretch of yellow sand..

I have mixed feelings about Perranporth.It is a beautiful beach no question. It was an integral part also to my move to Cornwall. But now someone stays there that caused a lot of problems for me and that has tainted my outlook. I don't want to linger here...

Off I went

St Agnes was my goal - well a bit further... The wind got stronger and the landscape changed from sand to loose rock and heather. I was travelling through quarries and I was not enjoying the walk really.  The redeeming factor was the colours...I can't quite capture the vibrancy in photo but tried - 

The cliffs too, sported a different red tinge and man had left his mark...

I eventualy arrived at St Agnes, which has a lovely cove and I carried on the path to get to my camp for the night.

Somewhat off the track but a great site and full of blooms!