Wednesday 29 July 2015

Day 11 - Clovelly to Hartland Quay

Waking up to this first thing in the morning is something magical. ..

Getting to Clovelly before the shop is open is not recommended on an empty stomach though :(

The walk started fairly easy after the initial climb out of Clovelly. ..woods and grassy spaces with the odd sitting place. ..

Sat here for a while - they call it the angel's wings...:)
The path then entered fields on the top of the cliffs. Nice and easy.  More woods and more fields.

I just love these rocks with holes doorways to though you could step through and be in an alternate universe. How great would that be sometimes. Maybe in that parallel universe Jamal is still alive?...

The radar thingy comes into view signalling that Hartland Point is not too far now.

Yep,  odd looking radar contraption on the cliff.

From this point on the going got tougher. ..very steep downs and ups. In fact climbing was involved at one point, literally hands and knees with a sheer drop one side!

Absolutely shattered when reaching Hartland Quay - look at those cliffs!

Thankfully a cool campsite on a farm with homemade cake yum.

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