Thursday 16 July 2015

Day 1 - Minehead to Porlock - 13th July 2015

Entering an alternate universe I feel. ..what have I let myself in for????

The drive to Minehead took longer than it should- Roadworks! ! Then rather than follow my directions, Zay decided to switch on her sat nav...cue single track roads, vintage bus belching smoke at 5 miles an hour...'a shorter route' she says ha ha!

Eventually there and finally find the start marker for the path...quick pic as Zay has to rush

At the Starting Post

back and that's it, stranded on the seafront and the only way is up ^^^ :s

And up

And a bit  more up...

Start as you mean to go on eh? Jamal pushing me from behind, it did even out eventually with a few ups and downs. Weather cloudy but dry and magnificent views.

Lovely over the moor at the top then tried to do the scenic detour ( non compulsory) round the headland....oops! gale force winds and a 6 inch path saw me beating a hasty retreat!  

A long descent into Porlock and I arrived at first camp sore, achy and tired but proud of self :)

Thanks boy xx

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